Tequila production is made from a particular variety of blue agave. About seven kilogrammes of agave pulp are needed per litre of its production.
The plantations where it grows are strictly protected. Agave, although it belongs to the succulent family, is by no means a cactus. Mexicans grow agave on plantations. This is necessary in order to constantly renew plantations. Agave is planted just before the rainy season, this is necessary for the agave to accumulate the most liquid. Agave is used as a raw material for tequila only after 10 years.
The jimadores are harvested with a special tool called a koa. The koa is a spatula pointed in the front. When harvesting the agave, the pickers leave only the centre of the agave. It is then placed in an autoclave and left there for up to three days at a temperature of 70 degrees centigrade. Then it is finely chopped and squeezed. Only after that it is poured into large barrels for further fermentation for about a week. The temperature during fermentation should be about 40 degrees.
After double distillation and using the middle part of the product, Blanco tequila is produced. After dilution with distilled water, it is bottled.
A celebration in honour of tequila takes place at the end of November. People from all over the world come to this celebration. On this holiday are held: carnival, tastings of this national drink, as well as cockfights.
Jimadores are honoured in Mexico with great honours. Mexico has even erected a monument to the jimador with a coa. This monument is almost as revered as the monument to the "worker and collective farmer." In the jimador is embedded hard work, and love for his valuable profession.